
UHart Web Privacy Policy

Commitment to Your Privacy

本网站隐私政策的制定是为了记录和传达立博体育官网尊重所有访问者人身安全的承诺. It applies to official University of Hartford webpages and explains our practices concerning the collection, use, disclosure and other processing of visitor information. An official University website is one that is owned and/or sponsored by the University of Hartford, and that has been created by the University, colleges, schools, departments or other administrative units, for University business purposes. UHart的政策和做法是收集履行其所需职责和责任所需的最少数量的个人身份立博网站中文版, complete a particular transaction, deliver services, or as required by law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated herein, we reserve the right under certain circumstances to share the information we collect without your consent, unless prohibited by law.

Information The University Of Hartford Gathers And Tracks

University of Hartford gathers five types of information about visitors:

  • Information that visitors provide through optional, voluntary submissions.
  • Information gathered through aggregated tracking information.
  • Information that is automatically collected.
  • Information obtained by browser cookies.
  • Information collected from network traffic logs.

The University Of Hartford Gathers User Information In The Following Processes:

Optional Voluntary Information

You may provide volunteer information to the University of Hartford when email is sent, forms are completed online, surveys submitted, registering for an event, or when you request an application. We will not sell, exchange or otherwise distribute your personally identifiable information without your consent. Each web page requesting information discloses the purpose of that information. If you do not wish to have the information used in the manner indicated, you are not required to provide it. Please contact the person listed on the specific page, or listed below, with questions or concerns on the use of personally identifiable information.

Aggregate Information

Aggregate information is derived mainly by tallying page views throughout our sites. This information allows us to better tailor our content to readers' needs. 本网站定期收集和存储在线访问者的立博网站中文版,以帮助管理网站和改善服务, including the pages visited on the site, the date and time of the visit, the internet address (URL or IP address) of the referring site, the domain name and IP address from which the access occurred, the version of browser used, the capabilities of the browser, and search terms used on our search engines. 本网站不会将此立博网站中文版与个别访问者的数据相关联:未经您的同意,任何个人身份立博网站中文版都不会对外发布.

Information Automatically Collected

Essential technical information such as pages accessed; time and date accessed; operating system used; type of browser used; information about the website from which you accessed this website and connection statistics (e.g. ports, number bytes, number packets, time of first and last packet, etc.). 关键技术立博网站中文版用于帮助以适当的格式响应您的请求和帮助计划网站改进等目的.

自动收集的立博网站中文版可能会在必要时保留,用于适当的业务目的,以审查和增强网站内容和项目交付. 虽然一般情况下,这些立博网站中文版不会以任何可能泄露个人身份立博网站中文版的方式报告或使用, it should be noted that this information, along with other information that might be available, 是否可以使UHart识别参与特定传输的个人,并在需要时将这些立博网站中文版转发给执法机构或大学相关人员作为调查的一部分.

Network Traffic Log

In the course of ensuring network security and consistent service for all users, the university employs software programs do such things as monitor network traffic, identify unauthorized access or access to nonpublic information, detect computer viruses and other software that might damage university computers or the network, and monitor the performance of the university network. In the course of such monitoring, these programs may detect such information as email headers, addresses from network packets, and other information. 从这些活动中获得的立博网站中文版用于维护和提高大学网络和计算机系统的安全性和性能. 未经您的同意,这些活动中的个人身份立博网站中文版不会泄露给外部各方.

Use of Cookies

One way the information above is automatically collected is by way of using “cookies.cookie是一个小的文本文件,它被写入你的硬盘驱动器,包含一串你的电脑独有的匿名字符, telling about your visit to a web page. The cookie allows our website to recognize your computer when you visit us again. 大学可能会在访客的电脑上放置cookies,以便为你提供更有效和方便的服务. cookie不会存储或收集您的个人身份立博网站中文版,也不会跟踪您的互联网浏览, beyond your use of this website. The cookie allows the university to personalize your online experience. The cookie also may be used to deliver advertisements relevant to your interests.

In order to customize the information and services offered to you, the use of cookies by our site may:

  • Store visitors preferences.
  • Record session information, such as items that visitors add to their shopping cart.
  • Record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit.
  • Alert visitors to new areas that we think might be of interest to them when they return to our site.
  • Record past activity at a site in order to provide better service when visitors return to our site.
  • Ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same banner ads.
  • Customize web page content on visitors’ browser type or other information that the visitor sends.
  • Record aggregate information collected by website data analytics.
Third-party cookies

Our websites, products, and services will set several types of third-party cookies, and we do not control the operation of any of them. The third-party cookies that may be set include, but not limited to:

    • Google Analytics – We use Google Analytics to collect data about website usage. This data does not include personally identifiable information. View the Google Privacy Policy. (
    • Google Remarketing – We use Google’s Remarketing cookie to market products and services we think may be of interest to you. 您可以在谷歌合作伙伴网站的展示广告网络和谷歌自己的搜索结果页面上看到我们的广告. 我们的目标是根据您在我们网站上访问过的页面,仔细选择我们向您重新销售的产品和服务. To opt out of Google Remarketing, set your Google Ad Settings (
    • Facebook Business Manager - Facebook Business Manager允许企业和机构创建和管理多个资产,例如Facebook Page, Instagram account, audience list or product catalog, all in one place. 它还更有效地跟踪我们在Facebook和Instagram上的广告,提供简单的概述和详细的广告支出和印象视图. (

您可以通过激活浏览器上的设置来阻止cookie,该设置允许您拒绝全部或部分cookie的设置. However, 如果您使用浏览器设置阻止所有cookie,您可能无法访问我们的全部或部分网站.

Information We Collect From Third Parties

From time to time, we may receive personal information about you from third-party sources, 包括与我们提供联合品牌服务或参与联合营销活动的合作伙伴,以及社交媒体网站等公开来源.


Consistent with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we do not sell products or services intended for purchase by children under the age of 13, 或者在未经父母同意的情况下,绝不会故意要求任何13岁以下的人提供个人身份立博网站中文版.

Use Of Information
  • 立博体育官网使用立博网站中文版(收集方法如上所述)来增强访问者在我们网站网络中的体验, 是否在网站上提供互动或个性化元素,或根据访问者的兴趣更好地准备未来的内容.
  • 当我们使用跟踪立博网站中文版来确定访问者喜欢和不喜欢我们网站的哪些区域时,基于这些区域的流量, we do not track what individual visitors read, but rather how well each page performs overall. This helps us continue to build a better service for you. We track search terms entered in the Search function as one of many measures of what interests our visitors. But we don't track which terms a particular user enters.
  • The University of Hartford creates aggregate reports on user demographics and traffic patterns. 我们不会披露任何个人用户的任何立博网站中文版,除非遵守适用法律或有效的法律程序,或保护我们的访客或公众的人身安全.
Links to External Websites

The University of Hartford websites may contain links to other websites. UHart is not responsible for the content of these websites or for their respective privacy policies. 客户在披露任何个人立博网站中文版之前,应仔细阅读并考虑此类网站的隐私政策.


立博体育官网运营着安全的数据网络,受到行业标准防火墙和密码保护系统的保护. 我们的安全和隐私政策会定期进行审查,并在必要时进行改进,只有获得授权的个人才能访问我们客户提供的立博网站中文版.

Opt-Out Policy

We give visitors opt-out options wherever necessary and practical. Such choices include:

  • Opting not to filling out forms.
  • Opting not to participate in certain interactive areas, which completely alleviates the need to gather any personally identifiable information from our visitors
Your Consent

By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by the University of Hartford. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Concerns or Changes

The University of Hartford may change this privacy policy at any time by posting revisions to this website. 您对本网站的使用即表示接受本隐私政策的条款,您在这些更改发布后继续使用即表示接受每项修订后的政策. Please check this privacy policy periodically for changes. If you do not agree to the terms of this privacy policy or any revised privacy policy, please exit the website immediately. Should you have any concerns or questions regarding this policy, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at